Prevalence of Dental Caries Among Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Users Attending A Dental Hospital


  • Farah Shahid, Sadi Zaheer, Ahmed Mukhtar Chema, Osama Khattak, Muhammad Afzal, Waqar Ali



Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental caries among smoking and smokeless tobacco users attending a dental hospital.

Study design: Randomized Controlled Trial.

Study Setting: The study was conducted at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College, Lahore from November 2021 to April 2022.

Methods: Patients were instructed to brush their teeth and gargle with water before their examinations, after which a cotton swab was used to dry the teeth and note any instances of dental caries. We utilised an index called DMFT, where D stands for decaying teeth, M for missing teeth, F for filled teeth, and T for tooth health

Results: There were 42 chewers and 42 non-chewers in the age between 20 – 60 yrs. Subjects of same age groups were selected in both the groups. 73.8% of the study subjects in both the groups were males and the remaining 26.2% were females. Results shows the distribution of the study subjects according to DMFS scores. Among the chewers, 38.1% of study subjects were caries free (DMFS = 0) and 61.9% were caries affected (DMFS = 1 or more). In the non-chewers group, 9.5% were caries free and 90.5% were caries affected.

Conclusion: A greater incidence of dental caries has been linked to tobacco use. Those who smoked cigarettes had a higher DMFT score. They also had a higher caries index, which is an indicator of poor oral hygiene.

Keywords: Prevalence, Dental Caries, Smokeless Tobacco Users


How to Cite

Farah Shahid, Sadi Zaheer, Ahmed Mukhtar Chema, Osama Khattak, Muhammad Afzal, Waqar Ali. (2022). Prevalence of Dental Caries Among Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Users Attending A Dental Hospital. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(07), 926.