Comparative Study Between Eye Retina of Falcon (Falco Columbarius) and Owl (Bubo Bubo)
The eye is one of the most important sensory systems in the body because of its importance and it plays an important role in communication between animals and their environment. In recent study collect ten eye of falcon and ten eye of owl from Najaf desert during April 2020 to March 2021. By using Hematoxylin and Eosin staining (H&E) have been obtained sections of retina of falcon (Falco columbarius) and owl (Bubo bubo) which consist of ten layers, we measured thickness of three layers for both birds and have got differences between them. Falcon has less thickness layers from owl but there are different in retinal ganglion layers, in falcon which have surface area more than owl. That’s depended to nature of life which falcon and owl have.
Keywords: retina, retinal layers, falcon and owl.
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