Tahira Riaz, Bibi Amna, Anum Malik, Shazma Parveen, Rabia Kareem, Fatima

Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Teenage Pregnant Women

Tahira Riaz, Bibi Amna, Anum Malik, Shazma Parveen, Rabia Kareem, Fatima



Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the adverse adverse maternal and fetal outcomes in teenage pregnant women.

Study Design: Randomized controlled trial Place and Duration: Study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology departmentofCombined Military Hospital, Peshawar for six months duration from April, 2020 to September, 2020.

Material and methods: Total one hundred and sixty patients were enrolled in this study. Patients were aged between 14- 40 years. Patients detailed demographics were recorded after taking written consent. Patients were equally divided into two groups I and II. 80 patients of aged between 14-18 years were included in group I and equally patients of aged >18 were included in group II. Frequency of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus and post-partum haemorrhage were calculated. Adverse outcomes among (cesarean section, instrumental delivery, induction of labor and prolong labor, hypertensive disorder) were calculated among both groups. Fetal outcomes Perinatal mortality, Low birth weight, Low Apgar score and NICU admission were observed. Complete data was analyzed by SPSS 24.0 version.

Results: Mean age of the patients in group I was 18.34±0.22 years with mean BMI 21.14±5.35 Kg/m2 and in group IImean age was 17.58±6.46 years with mean BMI 23.65±6.86 Kg/m2. Fetal outcomes, perinatal mortality in group I 10 (12.5%) and in group II was 6 (7.5%),low birth weight in group I was among 30 (37.5%) and in group II was 11 (13.8%), low apgar score in group I was 13 (16.25%) and in group II was 11 (12.5%), 18 (21.25%) in group I went to NICU admission and 5 (6.25%) patient in group II admitted to NICU.Frequency of pre-eclampsia in group I were high among 35 (43.8%) patientsas compared to group II 15 (22.5%) patients, frequencyof gestational diabetes mellitus in group I was among 20 (25 %) patients and 8 (10%) patients were in group II, post partumhaemorrhage was seen in 55 (68.8%) cases in group I and 30 (37.8%) cases in group II.

Conclusion: We concluded in this study that the risks of low birth weight, delaying intrauterine development, premature admission to neonatal intensive care are also increasing.Teenage childbirth is linked to increased mother risk, including anemia, urinary tract infection, high blood pressure pregnancy and surgical delivery.

Keywords: Pre-eclampsia, Partum haemorrhage, Maternal outcome, Fetal outcome

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