Bakhtiar Ahmed Bhanbhro, Naseer Ahmed Memon, Kamran Ali, Asif Ali Khuhro, Ubedullah Bahalkani, Misbah Munir

Evaluation of Peak Expiratory Flow Rates (Pefr) among Healthy Children of Khairpur Mir’s City of Pakistan: A Cross-Sectional Study

Bakhtiar Ahmed Bhanbhro, Naseer Ahmed Memon, Kamran Ali, Asif Ali Khuhro, Ubedullah Bahalkani, Misbah Munir



Aim:To assess the peak expiratory flow rates (PEFR) among healthy children aged 6 to 12 years

Study design: A cross-sectional study

Place and Duration: This Study was conducted at Gambat Medical College Khairpur Mir’s, Pakistan from April 2019 to March 2020.

Methodology: A study using a random sampling technique was conducted in primary schools. Healthy school children of either gender ages 6 to 12 years were enrolled in the study. An EU scale peak flow meter measured PEFR (60-800 l/min). While standing, their PEFR was determined. A total of three readings were taken, with the highest value being recorded. SPSS version 21 was used for statistical analysis.

Results: Boys made up 56.15 percent (n=278) of the 495 participants. PEFR was measured at a minimum of 6 years old and a maximum of 12 years old in both genders. Boys aged 6 to 12 years had a PEFR of 179.71 ± 30.67 (L/Min), whereas girls had a PEFR of 159.15 ± 25.77 (L/Min). There was no discernible difference between genders and age categories (t=0.912, P=0.189).

Conclusion: Mean PEFR values may vary between gender and age. PEFR results from this study can be utilized as a clinical reference for children aged 6 to 12 years of age. Clinicians can use these PEFR values to measure lung function and airway obstruction in this population subset.

Keywords: Age, Gender, Lung Function Test, Peak Expiratory Flow Rates 

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