Rubeena Badar, Amna Aslam, Gulfreen Waheed, Shehla Naureen



Objective: To identify level of knowledge about disease, attitude and behaviors in antenatal women contributing to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that is still on the rise.

Study Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Avicenna Hospital Lahore from 5th November 2020 to 4th February 2021.

Methodology: Two hundred pregnant women who visiting the OPD of the hospital were enrolled. A pre-validated questionnaire was used to assess KAP towards COVID-19.

Results: More than 70% were familiar with COVID-19 infection; most common source of information was news channels (76.5%). Large proportion of patients showed poor knowledge of disease transmission and symptomatology. 50% believed that infection is very contagious but only 49% reported that route of spread is respiratory droplets and 21% believed it spreads via direct contact also. Very few women showed a positive perception of disease prevention and control (<50%).

Conclusion: Obstetric patients have sufficient knowledge regarding COVID-19 pandemic but their attitude and practices are not sufficient to stop the spread of disease in Pakistan.

Key words: COVI-19, Pandemic, Awareness, Attitude, Practices

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