Mishaal Mustajab, Aimen Imtiaz, Muhammad Nauman Umar, Danish Javed, Sana Zafar, Ayesha Fahim

Prevalence of Caries and it’s Association with Oral Health Literacy in Children of Ngo’s

Mishaal Mustajab, Aimen Imtiaz, Muhammad Nauman Umar, Danish Javed, Sana Zafar, Ayesha Fahim



Aim: The study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of dental caries and its association with oral health literacy among under privileged children of NGOs (Non-governmental organization).

Methodology: The main target of our research was to collect data of children studying at different NGOs (Non-governmental organization). Out of 4756 registered NGOs (Non-governmental organization) of Punjab, 2 were selected; The Noor Project and SOS Village. A total of 382 NGO’s (Non-governmental organization) children aged 5-11 years old were examined for dental caries and oral hygiene. The data was collected through a validated questionnaire and a standard method of dmft screening was used.

Results: Exploratory analyses were performed to examine the distributions of the data and to identify outliers and missing data. Bivariate analyses were used to explore the associations between each of the covariates and OHL via Pearson’s χ2 statistics for categorical variables. The p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. There was significant association between oral health status and poor OHL amongst children.

Keywords: Children, Oral Health, Survey, NGO, Lahore.

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