Mine Turğut, Taner Bozkuş



Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effect of a six-week theraband (strength band) exercise program on some physiological parameters in sedentary women.

Method: The pretest-posttest model was used in the study. Before the study, the participants were asked whether they had any health problems. In this study, 34 volunteer women with a mean age of 26.91±2.64 years and a mean height of 164.20±4.36 who regularly attended a private sports centre were included in the study. Before and after the exercise program, body weight, fat percentage, and blood samples were taken in the morning on an empty stomach by experts in the appropriate laboratory environment at the health institution. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 package program. Paired Sample T Test was applied to compare the values before and after exercise.

Results: As a result, it was determined that sedentary women who regularly performed theraband exercise for six weeks had a positive effect on their weight, fat percentage and blood lipids (Triglyceride, Cholesterol, HDL and LDL) levels (p<0.05).

Conclucions: As a result, since the teraband (strength band) exercises we applied in our study were both affordable and can be easily performed by individuals at home, it has great importance for health that these exercises can be promoted more, and people's awareness.

Keywords: Teraband, Exercise, Blood lipid

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