Hussam S. Hassan1, Hany A. Elhady2, Mohamed Shawky Elfarargy

Gastric Duplication Cyst Mimicking a Liver Cyst Case Report and Review of the Literature

Hussam S. Hassan1, Hany A. Elhady2, Mohamed Shawky Elfarargy



An 8 years old female child was admitted to emergency unit with abdominal pain and vomiting of 6 days duration without any relevant past medical history related to intake of spoiled or otherwise unhealthy food. There was no history of change in bowel habits or weight loss.

On examination, the patient was found to be mildly to moderately dehydrated. Local examination showed a non-tender vague palpable mass in the epigastric and left hypochondrial regions measuring approximately 10 × 5 cm with restricted mobility. Pediatric and toxicology clearance were obtained.

Ultrasonography examination showed an upper abdominal cystic mass, which was 12x8x2.5 cm in size and was located between the left lobe of the liver and stomach cavity. The radiologist was unable to verify the exact origin or nature of the mass.

A barium meal showed a dilated stomach with manifestations of partial gastric an outlet obstruction

CT revealed a cystic mass occupying the epigastric and left hypochondrial area which is very likely to be a liver cyst protruding from the left hepatic lobe (Fig. 1,2)

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