Blood Pressure Response against Sedentary Lifestyle and Caffeine Ingestion in Population: A Cross Sectional Study


  • Hassan Raza, Maria Munir, Areeba Imran, Sadia Iram, Fasih Ahmed Hayat, Laraib Malik



Background: Coffee and tea mainly contain caffeine, and they are the most widely consumed beverages all over the world. The association between caffeine consumption and a sedentary lifestyle in the population is not homogeneous and remains inconsistent.

Aims and objects: The aims and objectives of the current study were to examine the association of caffeine and an inactive lifestyle with blood pressure in the population.

Conclusion: The present study concluded that there were significant (p≤0.05) changes in blood pressure among individuals in Group-Z compared to individuals in Group-X and Group-Y due to high caffeine intake. The results of this study demonstrated that high consumption of caffeine-containing food products increased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the population.


How to Cite

Hassan Raza, Maria Munir, Areeba Imran, Sadia Iram, Fasih Ahmed Hayat, Laraib Malik. (2023). Blood Pressure Response against Sedentary Lifestyle and Caffeine Ingestion in Population: A Cross Sectional Study. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 17(05), 393.