Variations in Parameters of Hepatotoxicity Induced by Anti TB Treatment with Comorbid Acute Viral Hepatitis


  • Asma Kazi, Aisha Aziz, Fatima Arshad, Samina Karim, Rao Salman Aziz, Maheen Rana



Objectives & background: Drug-induced hepatotoxicity (DIH) is a common side effect of anti-TB drugs. Acute viral hepatitis (AVH) may be confounded with chronic alcoholic hepatitis clinically, biochemically, and histologically (CAH).

Place of Study: Rashid Latif Medical College Lahore

Duration of Study: March 2019 to January 2021

Methods: This prospective research examined the effect of acute viral hepatitis as a contributing and confounding factor in patients with normal baseline liver function who acquired acute hepatitis while taking short-course anti-TB medication. All acute hepatitis patients' blood was analysed for hepatitis A, B, C, and E markers.

Results: In 12 of 80 TB patients who developed viral hepatitis, the hepatitis E virus was present. Indicators of acute viral hepatitis included a delayed onset of acute hepatitis significant increases in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and a longer period for abnormal levels to normalise.

Conclusions: According to our statistics, 15% of anti-TB hepatotoxic patients had AVH. Before attributing the hepatotoxic impact of anti-TB medications to DIH patients, viral hepatitis should be evaluated and ruled out in all endemic-area patients.


How to Cite

Asma Kazi, Aisha Aziz, Fatima Arshad, Samina Karim, Rao Salman Aziz, Maheen Rana. (2022). Variations in Parameters of Hepatotoxicity Induced by Anti TB Treatment with Comorbid Acute Viral Hepatitis. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(08), 568.