Anatomical Changes in Young Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and First Line Treatment, A Clinical Study


  • Bakhtawar Mateen, Rizwana Hussain, Shahnaz Bano Memon, Arisha Sana Memon, Jawad Mumtaz Sodhar, Majid Ali Hingoro



Aims and objectives: The aims and objectives of current study were to provide health awareness to the young women about closed correlation among polycystic ovary syndrome and obesity which caused physio-anatomical changes with its treatment protocol.   

Materials and Methods

Study deigned: This study was conducted from 10-11-2021to march 31-3-2022 at different medical centers of Sind Pakistan.  

Sample sized: 150 total women of age in between 20-30 years were selected and divided them into two different groups. In Group-C 50 normal female with regular menstrual cycle were included while in Group-A 70 female individuals with irregular menstrual cycle (polycystic ovary syndrome) were placed. On the other hand in Group-B, 30 women with polycystic ovary syndrome and obesity treated with Metformin, Clomiphene and Rosiglitazone medicine

Variables analysis: Body mass index (BMI), Insulin blood levels, Androstenedione blood levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and blood glucose levels.

Recommended Medications: Metformin, Clomiphene and Rosiglitazone

Raw Data presentation: Concluded raw data was bio-statistically represented with the application of SPSS model 2020 in which Mean Standard Deviation (Mean±SD) of different variables were considered as significant (P<0.05) variation of various regressions and concluded results were graphically showed in results.


How to Cite

Bakhtawar Mateen, Rizwana Hussain, Shahnaz Bano Memon, Arisha Sana Memon, Jawad Mumtaz Sodhar, Majid Ali Hingoro. (2022). Anatomical Changes in Young Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and First Line Treatment, A Clinical Study. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(07), 517.