Anxiety, Social Adjustment and Psychological well-being of blind Adolescents
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess anxiety as predictor of social adjustment and psychological wellbeing in blind adolescents. The present study examined the level of anxiety, social adjustment and psychological wellbeing of blind adolescents.
Methodology: Cross sectional research design was used in the study. The study was carried out on the sample of 150 blind adolescents between the ages of 12 to 18 years.
Demographic variables were also considered in analyses to examine their influences. The tools related to anxiety, psychological wellbeing and social adjustment were used. Urdu version of beck anxiety inventory (1988), social adjustments scale (Mundt et al., 2002) and psychological wellbeing scale (Ryff, 1989) was used.
Results: Independent t-test, Correlation and multiple Regression analyses were run to test the hypotheses. Independent t-test showed that the level of anxiety is comparatively greater in females than males, t (148) = -1.15, p= .25.”. Correlation analysis showed that there is significant negative correlation among anxiety and psychological well-being of the blind adolescents, r = - 0.21, *p<0.05 and there is significant positive correlation among anxiety and social adjustment, r=0.283, *p<0. 05.. A regression was calculated to predict the social adjustment from Anxiety), β=.283, t=18.457, p<.000, R²=.080. Regression was calculated to predict the psychological well- being from Anxiety, β = .214, t = 48.640, p < .000, R²=.046. Regression analysis demonstrated anxiety as a significant predictor of psychological wellbeing and social adjustment in blind adolescents.
Conclusion: The rationale of the research was to observe the level of anxiety, societal adjustment and psychological wellbeing of blind adolescents. The study revealed that anxiety is increased in blind females’ adolescent than blind male’s adolescent and there is negative relationship among anxiety, social adjustment and psychological well-being of blind adolescents. According to the current research, anxiety can be predictor of social adjustment and psychological well-being of blind adolescents. It can be concluded that anxiety has an impact on the social adjustment of blind adolescents which further leads to impairment in psychological and social functioning especially in adolescence.
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