Repair of Bilateral Inguinal Hernia in Children with a Single Cosmetic Incision. Our Experience in Tertiary Care Center
Aim: To evaluate the advantages/benefits of a single cosmetic incision approach for the repair of bilateral inguinal hernia in children.
Study design: A cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of study: Pediatric surgery department, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro from February 2017 and June 2022
Methodology: Bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphies were performed on a total of 178 children and infants who received treatment in succession. A single, transverse, 2.5-cm long suprapubic incision was performed in 89 (50%) of the patients, and the Scarpa fascia was punctured using cautery. The external ring was located and opened after retracting the wound, and the ilioinguinal nerve was safeguarded. After testicular vascular and sac separation from vas deference, the hernial sac is delicately Trans ligated with 3-0 Vicryl (Ethicon), closed was the external oblique aponeurosis. The wound was then retracted to the opposite side and treated there using the same technique.
Results: Ages ranged from 3 months to 11 years at the time of operation (average, 29.8 months). 56.93% of the patients—96—were under the age of one, with 51 of them—28.65%—being under the age of six months. 48 patients were 1 to 5 years old, and 24 were over the age of 5. The average operating time was 8–10 minutes shorter than it had been in the past for children who had undergone bilateral inguinal incisions, which typically took 30–40 minutes. The visual look and overall outcomes have pleased the patients and parents. There haven't been any recurrences so yet.
In order to improve therapeutic impact and lower the risk of complications and recurrence, we develop a single incision method for bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphies. Depending on the availability of a paediatric surgeon with the necessary experience and skills, a single incision technique for treating a child's bilateral inguinal hernia is practical, safe, and can be provided to patients.
Keywords: single incision approach, inguinal herniorrhaphies, children, cosmetics
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