First Attempt Intubation Success Rate with Video Laryngoscope after Failed Direct Laryngoscopy


  • Shoaib Malik, Shahneela Raza, Muhammad Nadeem Muneer



Objectives: Several unsuccessful intubation attempts prompted the authors of this study to investigate the efficacy of the C-MAC video laryngoscope.

Methods: After first attempts with a Macintosh direct laryngoscope were unsuccessful, patients were ultimately able to be intubated with the help of C-MAC laryngoscopes. It was determined whether or not there was a correlation between the positive outcome of C-MAC catheterization and the laryngeal photographs that were produced by the device.

Study design: Descriptive Cross sectional Study

Settings:Department of Anesthesia, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi

Study duration:January 2021 to January 2022

Results: Cormack and Lehane gave the Macintosh laryngoscope ratings of III and IV, however CMAC gave scores of I to 13 patients, II to 7 patients, and III to one patient. Tracheal intubation with CMAC was successful in 16 patients (76.2% percent) on the first try, and in 5 patients on the second attempt (23.8% percent). Only a trace of blood was discovered on the blades of three patients (14 percent).

Conclusion: During routine anaesthetic treatment, a C-MAC video laryngoscope can successfully overcome unsuccessful intubations. The C-MAC video laryngoscope is a key recovery instrument that is both efficient and safe in the case of an intubation failure.


How to Cite

Shoaib Malik, Shahneela Raza, Muhammad Nadeem Muneer. (2022). First Attempt Intubation Success Rate with Video Laryngoscope after Failed Direct Laryngoscopy. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(05), 1189.