Exercise Induces Autonomic and Neuro-endocrine Response among Psychologically Stressed Medical Students
Heart rate variability, Psychological Stress, Exercise and Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis’.Abstract
Background: Psychological stress activates Hypothalamic- Pituitary- Adrenal axis (HPA) and Sympathoadrenal (SMA) axis”. Exercise has stress buffering action and it improves HRV and normalizes the cortisol response to stress.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of moderate exercise in stabilizing autonomic and neuro-endocrine response to Psychological stress”. Study design: Randomized experimental study.
Methodology: 100 MBBS students were engaged through DASS (Depression anxiety stress scale) proforma. They were divided into two groups; stress and control. HRV and serum cortisol levels were obtained. Stressed group did regular moderate exercise for 06 weeks. Independent t test was employed to see the difference in two parameters among the two groups. A p value of ≤ 0.05 was taken as significant.
Results: After the intervention stressed group exhibited prominent decrease in LF/HF, LFnu, LFms2” and serum cortisol (0.009,0.033,.027 and 0.007 respectively. HFnu was significantly improved post exercise (.004). Significant reduction in serum cortisol was observed in stressed group after exercise (.007).
Conclusion: Exercise can be employed to buffer the effect of psychological stress as it normalizes HPA axis” and autonomic response.
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