Impact of Standard and Low-Pressure Pneumoperitoneum on Intraoperative Complications in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


  • Maazul Hassan
  • Muhammad Naveed
  • Muhammad Hasham Ashraf
  • Rizwan Ahmad Khan
  • Fareeha Khaliq Khan
  • Jahan Ara



Laparoscopic surgery, low pressure pneumoperitonium, standard pneumoperitonium


Aim: To compare LPP and SPP laparoscopic cholecystectomy regarding efficiency and complications

Methodology: Sixty patients were enrolled. Patients were divided into two groups. 30 patients were placed in each group A and B. The intensity of postoperative shoulder pain was assessed by using visual analog scale (VAS) at 4,8,12 and 24 hours after surgery. Nausea & vomiting episodes also measured at 4,8,12 and 24 hours after surgery. The length of operation, intra-operative findings, intra-operative complications (bile spilling, visceral injury and hemorrhage), and hospital stay were also noted.

Results: Patients in this study were divided into two groups: group A and B. The frequency of shoulder pain at different periods was from 0 to 7 i.e. No pain, Mild, Moderate, and worst which was counted by the minimum to maximum i.e. 2 and 7 at 4 hours, 2 and 9 at 8 hours, 1 and 8 at 12 hours and 0 to 8 at 24 hours. Regarding intra-operative complications i.e. Bile Spillage, bleeding and visceral injury, only a few patients had bouts of nausea/vomiting in the 4 hours and 24 hour time intervals. However, more patients were affected by this condition at 8 and 12-hour intervals.

Conclusion: LP laparoscopic surgery is an achievable alternative to SP laparoscopic procedure for benign issues of gall stone. LPP is a better choice for the LC since it minimizes post-operative pain of the shoulder & the PONV while causing no significant increase in intraoperative complications.


How to Cite

Hassan, M. ., Naveed, M. ., Hasham Ashraf, M. ., Ahmad Khan, R. ., Khaliq Khan, F. ., & Ara, J. . (2022). Impact of Standard and Low-Pressure Pneumoperitoneum on Intraoperative Complications in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(02), 34.