Uzma Tariq, Waqas Iqbal, Surwaich Ali Channa, Bhunesha Devi, Arhama Surwaich, Salman Shafique

Serum Copper and Zinc Levels of Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients Using Areca Nut Products Reported at Isra University Hospital Hyderabad

Uzma Tariq, Waqas Iqbal, Surwaich Ali Channa, Bhunesha Devi, Arhama Surwaich, Salman Shafique



Objective: To determine the copper and zinc levels in serum among oral submucous fibrosis patients using various areca nut products by taking healthy individuals as control at Isra University Hospital Hyderabad.

Methodology: This descriptive case-control study was conducted on patients of oral submucosal fibrosis (OSMF) attending the Outpatient Department, Oral Surgery Isra Dental College, Isra university during a period of one year from November 2016 to October 2017. A total of 30 patients above 16 years of age and who were diagnosed cases of OSMF and gave history of areca nut and its commercial products consumption for more than one year were included as group (B)and in equal number healthy individuals were enrolled as control as group(A). The 6ml blood sample was collected in gel tube and then we centrifuged at 3000 rpm gravity for 10min to separate the serum from blood. The 4 to 5ml serum collected in this way was analyzed by spectrophotometric method on Hitachi 902(Roche Germany). The levels of copper and zinc were estimated from serum of both groups. All the data was collected via study proforma and analysis of the data was done by using SPSS version 20.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 23.33±4.97 years and mean age of healthy controls was 22.80±4.61 years. The males were most common in both groups. Manipuri was commonest consumed areca nut (50.0%) followed by sweet scented areca nut and Gutkha 33.3% and 36.6% respectively. Mean of serum Cu in patients was lower 86±4.20 µg/dl in contrast to controls 114.0±13.8 µg/dl (p-0.0001). Average of serum Zinc was higher among patients 94.20±15.11 µg/dl as compared to controls as 68.06±17.10 µg/dl (p-0.0001).

Conclusion: The average of serum copper level was observed to be significantly less and average of serum zinc significantly higher among OSMF patients using areca nut as compared to healthy individuals. These serum trace element levels could be used as potential prognostic and diagnostic markers in the OSMF patients.

Key words: OSMF, Zinc, Copper, Areca nut

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