Beliefs Perceptions and Knowledge among Alopecia Areata patients: A Cross-Sectional Study in the University of Lahore
Aisha Malik, Syed Atif Hasnain Kazmi
Background: Alopecia areata (AA) is a wide spread and chronic skin condition of unknown origin. It affects the patient's quality of
life. This study was designed to assess the perception of the disease in patients with AA.
Aim: To determine the belief, perception and knowledge among alopecia areata patients visiting the university of Lahore teaching
Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional study.
Place and duration of study: Dermatology OPD, University of Lahore Teaching Hospital Lahore from September 2019 to
February 2020.
Methodology: This was a description cross-sectional study from September 2019 to February, 2020 and carried out in Out-
Patient Department of Dermatology at University of Lahore Teaching Hospital. The study included all the patients in the age range
of 20 to 42 years of age with patchy alopecia. The duration of the study was six months, total participants were 67. A
questionnaire was designed for the collection of data in the data base, such as age and gender, the onset of the disease, level of
education, and is based on the knowledge, beliefs and behaviors regarding alopecia areata. The data was analyzed by using the
version SPSS 25.
Results: Result shows that mean age of the participant’s was 29.5±4. About 77.6 participants were married and 23.4 were
unmarried. The 85.6% participants of study give yes response that alopecia areata affected the people result showed 38%
considered it a serious health issue. The 76.1% participants of study give yes response that alopecia areata participants have
serious financial problem. About causative factors, almost half (28%) of the participants believed that germs and viruses causes
Alopecia Areata.
Keywords: Alopecia areata (AA), Knowledge, Perception, Belief.