A retrospective study to evaluate the frequency of various breast lesions diagnosed with the help of FNAC
Nasim Aslam Ghumman, Nosheen Khurrum
Background: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology is the fundamental technique to explore the type and malignant prospects of
several palpable lesions such as salivary glands, thyroid and enlarged lymph nodes. Among these palpable lesions, breast
pathology is one of the most encountered entity in routine practice that can be diagnosed with FNAC.
Aim: To evaluate the frequency of various lesions of breast diagnosed with the help of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.
Methods: 100 patients of breast lump were referred from surgical departments of Arif Memorial Hospital, Lahore to
histopathology laboratory of Rashid Latif Medical College, Lahore, on which Fine Needle Aspiration was performed, during a
period of 2 years (2018-2019).
Results: In this study, out of 100 cases, the most frequently found lesion was fibroadenoma in the 2nd and 3rd decade of life
followed by various other benign lesions. The percentage of malignant lesions was very small and all the patients with malignant
lesions were above 40.
Conclusion: FNAC has become the most important component for early management of various breast lesions preoperatively.
There are various factors that enhance the popularity of FNAC like its affordability, simple and easy to use.
Keywords: Fine needle aspiration, Breast carcinoma, cytological grading, International Academy of Cytology