Determine the Adverse Fetal Outcomes In Women With Non-Reactive Cardiotocography
Aesha Sadaf Rizwan, Nadia Ali, Shazia Anwar, Sumera Makhdoom, Humera Makhdoom, Romasa Muzaffar Ali Joyo
Aim: To determine the adverse perinatal outcomes in women presented with
non-reactive cardiotocography.
Design: Retrospective
and Duration: The study was conducted at
department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Shahida Islam Teaching Hospital, Lodhran
for duration of six months from April, 2020 to September, 2020
Total 125 pregnant women presented with
non-reactive cardiotocography were enrolled in this study. Patients detailed
demographics including age, BMI, gestational age, gravidity and mode of
delivery were recorded after taking informed written consent. Fetal outcomes such
as Apgar score, stillbirth, low birth weight, need for NICU admission and
neonatal mortality were examined. Data was analyzed by SPSS 24.0.
Mean age of patients was 28.34±5.46 years. Mean
BMI was 25.54±3.22 kg/m2. Mean gestational age was 38.82±1.74 weeks.
72 (57.6%) patients were primigravida and rest 42.4% were multigravida. 80 (64%)
patients had cesarean section mode of delivery. 66 (52.8%) neonates had low
birth weight, 44 (35.2%) had Apgar score <5 at 1 minute. Stillbirth was
found in 4 (3.2%), 46 (36.8%) neonates had needs for NICU admission and neonatal
mortality was found in 9 (7.2%).
Carditocography is very helpful tool for
fetal examination. Non reactive cardiotocography was highly associated with poor
fetal outcomes.
Keywords: Non-reactive Cardiotocography, Low Birth weight, Apgar Score, NICU