Maxillary necrosis by Mucormycosis: A Case Report
Sumreen Anwar, Muhammad Usman Fayyaz, Syed S. A. Shah, S Saleem Cheema, M. Usman Fayyaz, Haider Ali, M Sajjad Sadiq
A 50-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes was
referred to the hospital with a 4-week history of a facial redness that
proceeded to significant midface ulceration and bilateral vision loss. Her
nasal bridge was completely collapsed, she had naso-palatal ulceration with
black eschars on the mucosa, and her fasting blood sugar was significantly
increased. Her blood sugar was controlled with soluble insulin through
sliding scale, and surgical debridement was performed, which revealed fungal
hyphae on histo-pathological assessment. Ketoconazole, an antifungal drug, was
commenced immediately. She progressed slowly but steadily after that and her
wound became clear with fresh granulation tissue.
Keywords: Mucormycosis, Uncontrolled diabetic mellitus