Mehrdad Fojlaley, Berat Guvenc Aslan



In this research, Medwave air and surface disinfection system (model:Klin20)selected to investigation effect , towards aerosolised enveloped viruses in room air. Phi6Pseudomonas syringae phage, a surrogate for coronavirus and influenza, was used in the trials Viral suspensions of Phi6 were aerosolised within the ukas accreditation Campden BRI aerobiology laboratory to achieve initial levels of ~106PFU/m3, representing very heavily contaminated air . Air samples were taken at 15 minute intervals and analysed to determine levels of Phi6 in the room air over a total test period of 135 minutes. On 3 separate days, paired trials were carried out with the Medwave switched onand with the units witched off as a control to determine baseline levels of virus in the air overtime. Trials carried out on the first two test days showed no reduction in viral titre compared with the control. Further investigation revealed that a wiring loom within the test unit had become disconnected during transport and the instrument was therefore not functioning correctly. Results from the trial showed that the level of Phi6 in the room air decreased rapidly from an initial titre of 6.12 log PFU/m3to undetectable levels (<1.78 log PFU/m3) after 45 minutes of operation, representing a log reduction of ≥4.00 logs compared with the control run with the unit switched off. Log reductions of 2.21, 3.30and ≥4.00 logs were observed after 15, 30 and 45 minutes respective to the log PFU/m3countsin the control run

Keywords: Bioaerosols nano-titanium atmospheric cold plasma, covid19.

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