Rational for Maxillofacial Fracture Plate Removal
S. Ali, M. A. Khan, S. Khan, A. U. Rahim, U. Hussain, M. Nauman, Z. Iqbal
Aim: To estimate indications and frequency of plate removal in patient treated for maxillofacial fractures.
Method; In this retrospective study, records were reviewed from March 2015 to March 2018, over a period of 3 years. 139 Maxillofacial trauma patients treated with Open reduction and Internal Fixation with 202 plate,
Result; In 139 patients, 202 plates were implanted for bone fractures. In total, 128(92%) were male and 11(8%) were female, 32(23.02%) had revisited with complaint and subsequently 47(23.26%) plates were removed. Mandible was commonest location where majority of the plates32(68.08%) were removed. Most common reason for plates removal was infection 20(42%). Minimum time for plate in situ was 3 months.
Conclusion; the reason for plate removal is multifactorial. Establishing measures to minimize plate related complication and avoid patients from further invasive procedures.
Keywords: Facial Bone Fracture, Osteosynthesis Plate, Plate Removal Trauma