Kashif Ali Channar, Abdul Bari Memon, Waheed Murad Dahri, Almas Rahoojo, Shumaila Shaikh, Mahnoor Memon, Kamran Ahmed, Abdul Hayee Shaikh

Reasons for Delayed Presentation in Patients of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Prospective Study

Kashif Ali Channar, Abdul Bari Memon, Waheed Murad Dahri, Almas Rahoojo, Shumaila Shaikh, Mahnoor Memon, Kamran Ahmed, Abdul Hayee Shaikh


Aim: Evaluation of reasons for delayed presentation in patients of oral squamous cell carcinoma
Study design: Cross sectional study
Duration and setting: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro from January 2019 to March 2020.
Methodology: The Patients with oral ulcer were examined and a brief history was taken. Biopsy was taken to conformed diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).A structured questioner was used to take details from patients regarding the first signs or symptoms they noticed. The Patients were asked for their first consultation from health professionals after noticing the signs and symptoms and how long they had waited between first noticing the symptom and seeking advice. The SPSS version-16 was used for analysis of results.
Results: A total 85 biopsy proven cases were included in this study. the most common presentation of OSCC was seen in 4th (29%) and 5th (32%) decade of life. The sign and symptoms were observed as 52% cases reported with multiple complains like pain, ulcer, bleeding and lump as the top most reason for seeking dental /medical treatment followed by ulcer as 13%. Males 23% and females 38% visited in 17-20th week. Majority of males 41% and females 48% came for medical advice in 4th and 5th month. Majority of males 52% and females 52% were unaware of oral cancer initiation. The relationship was significant (p-0.001) between gender and reasons for delay.
Conclusion: Male gender and age groups of 4th& 5th decayed are the commonly involved in OSCC. Pain in association with ulcer, bleeding and lump was the main reason for presentation with OSCC. Main reason was unawareness of oral cancer in local population. The reasons for delayed presentation showed significant association with gender.
Key words: Oral Squamous cell carcinoma, Biopsy, Etiology

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