Indrayani, Agus Rahmadi, Riska R. Syarifah, Ruti C. Jayanti, Tri Widiawati, Dewi Anggraini, Munawir F. Alshammari

Effect of dates and 7dates on blood glucose levels among adolescent girls: A randomized controlled trial

Indrayani, Agus Rahmadi, Riska R. Syarifah, Ruti C. Jayanti, Tri Widiawati, Dewi Anggraini, Munawir F. Alshammari



Background. The Muslim community is recommended to consume dates routinely. Its sweet flavor, however, inflicts public concern related to the risk of diabetes. Not just adults, but also adolescents are at risk of experiencing blood glucose (BG) problems.

Aim: To evaluate the effect of 4 weeks of consumption of date fruits and packaged date drinks (7dates) on the changes in BG levels among adolescent girls.

Methods. This was a 4-week randomized controlled trial with parallel-group to a Muslim community in Bojong Kulur village. Twenty-three 23 non-diabetic subjects aged 16-24 years were randomly assigned to consume dates (N=11) or 7dates (N=12) for four weeks. Only ten subjects in each group were involved in the entire research process. The main outcomes measures were 2-hour postprandial blood glucose and weekly fasting blood glucose.

Results. All respondents in both groups had normal fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels at the beginning and end of the intervention. However, there were significant differences in BG levels between the initial reading and 2 hours after consuming dates or 7dates. There were no significant correlations between feeding frequency, dietary fiber, and 2-h postprandial BG levels. There was no adverse effects reported by the participants.

Conclusion. Consuming dates or 7dates in a recommended amount for four weeks tends to be safe and has no increase on the risk of diabetes among adolescent girls. Date fruit consumption is more advisable than a packaged date drink.

Keywords: Dates, 7dates, postprandial blood glucose, fasting blood glucose, adolescent girls

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