Mehmet Alpaslan, Firat Akcan



Background: Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. Studies on soccer match statistics have a long history. In recent years, clubs have established match analysis units related to performance in soccer and have started to formulate training plans and match strategies in light of the resultant information.

Aim: The aim of this study is to investigated the effects of some statistical data, i.e. technical and conditional features, on soccer success.

Method: The effects of various statistical data on teams’ performance in the last three seasons, measured by their end-of-season scores, were examined. The average effects of teams per game, total running distances (TRD), sprint distances (SD), high intensity running distances (HIRD), accurate shot per game (SPG), number of accurate passes per game (APG), pass percentage per game (PPG), number of key passes per game (KPG), and possession of the ball (PB) on total points (TP) at the end of the season were examined. SPSS22 was used for data analysis, which revealed no relationship between total seasonal scores and the conditional parameters, whereas a strong positive correlation was found with the technical parameters (p < 0.05)

Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the effect of conditional properties on total end-of-season score, while the technical characteristics yielded a statistically significant prediction (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: Consequently, considering the Turkey Super League’s last three seasons, it was observed that the technical features positively affected success, whereas the conditional features were not determinant in success. Teams that want to be successful should therefore develop their technical characteristics.

Keywords: soccer, statistics, technical features, conditional features, Turkey Super League

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