Mohamad Zulkhairil Mohd Zaki, Haliza Abdul Rahman, Azrin Shah Abu Bakar



There has been a great concern of occupational noise-included hearing loss (NIHL) among health care workers. Prior research revealed that ambulance drivers are at high risk of noise on hearing. The aim of this study is to assess the level of noise emitted from the ambulance siren and knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) on occupational noise exposure. A cross-sectional study in Klang Valley, Malaysia was conducted from February 2019 to March 2019 among 82 ambulance drivers. Data was collect using a self-administered questionnaire consisting sociodemographic, 13 questions for knowledge, 13 questions on attitude and 13 on the practice toward occupational noise exposure. In addition, a Solo 01dB Sound Level Meter was used to measure the level of noise emitted from the siren of the ambulance. Data was analysis by using SPSS version 22. Average noise level (Laeq) was 88.9 db (A) which can be considered as high than permissible exposure limit specified in Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989. The KAP on occupational noise exposure among respondents were moderate. In addition, there was a significant difference between knowledge and attitude on occupational noise (p=0.002, r=-0.339). Improved of KAP is recommended through conducting training and seminars on occupational noise frequently to ensure high level of KAP among ambulance drivers. Besides, engineering controls such as installing noise barrier were advised to be implemented and enforcement of law should be taken seriously to minimize and void hearing related problems in the near future.

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