Children growth monitoring and development, benefits, Implementation of monitoring and evaluation
Eliyana Lulianthy, Winny Setyonugroho
Background: Monitoring growth and development has been carried out in various countries and has some benefits for children's growth and development and policymakers' guidelines. Although monitoring growth and development is considered necessary, there are still deficiencies in its implementation, both from the patient and professional perspectives.
Objective: to find out how and monitoring children's growth and development, the benefits of monitoring children's growth and development, and monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of monitoring children's growth and development.
Method: This study is a Scoping Review with the implementation phase identifying research questions, identifying relevant studies, selecting articles, mapping data, compiling, streamlining, and reporting results.
Findings: 7 articles were included in this Scoping Review analysis, then divided into three themes, namely Monitoring growth and development, Benefits of monitoring growth and development, and Monitoring and monitoring evaluation of growth and development.
Keyword: Monitoring, Growth, Development.