Zunair Mushtaq, Aljasia Kalsoom, Ayesha



Objective: The aim of our research was frequency determination in the patients of gall bladder experiencing the cholelithiasis surgery.

Material and Methods: The research was descriptive by design and the duration of this study was from January, 2017 to December, 2019 in Mayo hospital, Lahore. We included two hundred cholelithiasis patients who experienced cholecystectomy in the setting of our research. We included both male and female having the incidence of cholelithiasis, which was diagnosed through clinical manifestations and ultrasonography. Uniform process was adopted for every patient including history, investigations, physical examination and treatment and documented every information on a specified proforma.

Results: In the total research sample patients were processed through gall bladder stone disease surgery, gall bladder carcinoma was observed in 8 cases (4%). The range of the age was from 35 – 70 years. Mean age was observed in female and male respectively 50 (+5.3) and 56 (+ 2) years. Ratio of female to male three to one. On the basis of USG, we observed 3 cases (37.50%) having an advanced disease in addition to the carcinoma as a pre-operative sign.

Conclusion: Gall bladder carcinoma frequency in our sample was higher in comparison to the population of western research studies. Dominance of female number was observed than males facing the subject issue. USG can possibly cause the miss malignant lesions; therefore, all the specimen of gall bladder is to undergo histopathology. While, in the un-suspected patients experiencing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, gall bladder gentle handling becomes critical to evade any port site implantation that results by bile spillage.

Keywords: Gall bladder, Carcinoma, Cholelithiasis, Laparoscopy, Cholecystectomy.

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