Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho



Background: Recently, informed consent in medicine is increasingly necessary, a necessity made by doctors before carrying out medical actions, planned although exceptions are making informed consent before medical action, in certain circumstances.

Aim: To analyze written informed consent to ensure the rights of patients in medical treatment in Indonesia.

Methodology: This study using normative juridical research. The definition of normative juridical is a type of research that emphasizes more on library research, where the materials used will be obtained from laws, literature, mass media, which are related to writing materials.

Conclusion: The results showed that by using written informed consent, it is hoped that the patient will have guaranteed health assurance. This guarantee can be implemented in all hospitals in Indonesia, consider written informed consent to be necessary. At the very least, the hospital needs to have a standard written draft to provide informed consent and the proper procedures and workflow in terms of implementing informed consent.

Keywords: Informed Consent, Written Agreement, Protection of Patient Rights.

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