Duraid H. Abidalkadem, Qaysjaafarkhalaf, Hussienjassim Mohsen

An Insight into Detection of Laryngeal Tumor in Iraq

Duraid H. Abidalkadem, Qaysjaafarkhalaf, Hussienjassim Mohsen



Laryngeal carcinoma is a vital oncological subject. The management depends on creating effective evaluation and examination measurements. In this literature, 84 patients complaining of laryngeal carcinoma were evaluated in the department of otolaryngology – Baquba Teaching hospital in Iraq. A proper history, physical examination, full oto-rhin-laryngological assessment and radiological evaluation using CT scan and MRI has been done for all involved patients. Furthermore, biopsy has been taken and sent for histopathological examination. Statistical interpretation and analysis were done for the obtained data. In this literature, gender prevalence, most common presenting symptoms and most involved sites of laryngeal carcinoma have been estimated. It is concluded that laryngeal carcinoma is still have an imperative clinical and socioeconomic problem. All patients with laryngeal carcinoma should get a wide-ranging assessment and therapeutic plan in various clinical departments. Further studies are mandatory for better understanding and accurate management of this disease.

Keywords: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Laryngeal Tumor, odynophagia.

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