Zubair Ullah Khan, Zafar Iqbal, Sidra Zafar Iqbal

A Study on the Assessment of Correlation among Vitiligo and Dry Eye Diseases

Zubair Ullah Khan, Zafar Iqbal, Sidra Zafar Iqbal



Objective: The aim of this research work was the assessment of the association of vitiligo disease and DED (Dry Eye Disease) with the help of different objective parameters.

Methodology: This research work was performed on 30 patients of vitiligo and 31 patients present with refractory complaints of non-complicated nature. Ophthalmologic examination was carried out on all the patients which included Schirmer Test-I, FBU (Fluorescein Break-up Time) and CFS (Cornea Fluorescein Staining). Different OSDI means (Ocular Surface Disease Index) were in utilization for the assessment of the dry eye status.

Results: Participants of both groups were same about the gender and age distribution. The patients of the vitiligo disease group were present with high scores of OSDI (24.10±13.70 versus 12.50±3.20, T-test, P<.0010), shorter FBU scores (5.6±2.7 versus 7.60±2.20, Mann's-Whitney U test, P=.0050) and higher positivity of CFS (18/30 versus 3/31, by Chi-square test, P<.0010) as related to the patients of control group. The patients of both groups were present with much similar results regarding the Schirmer and MGD outcomes. There was presence of peri-ocular involvement in 44.68% (n: 14) patients of vitiligo disease. Thorough analysis within the patients of vitiligo showed that the values of Schirmer test and FBU were much less in the patients present with peri-ocular involvement, MGD status and scores of OSDI were much similar.

Conclusion: This research work concluded that there is a possible correlation of vitiligo and DED. The tools of diagnosis for dry eye complication are in decent association with one another. For follow-up and diagnostic purposes, OSDI questionnaire seems much pragmatic.

Keywords: Metabolism, Dry Eye Disease, Hypochromic, Diagnosis, Refractory, Vitiligo. 

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