Evaluation of Women with Pregnancy Associated Thrombocytopenia
Shehla Channa, Zainab Bano, Hina Akmal Memon, Sameena Naz, Sanobar Ashfaq
Objective: To determine frequency of thrombocytopenia among pregnant women
Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics from 1st May 2018 to 30th November
Methodology: One hundred and fifty seven pregnant women of reproductive age of 15-45 years, who were
normotensive without any malarial parasite or platelet aggregation seen on peripheral film were included while
women with previous pregnancy with history and prior record of thrombocytopenia, on steroids, NSAIDS, or who
went through splenectomy were excluded. Selected cases were thoroughly examined investigated for all possible
Results: The average age of 32.57±6.63 years, among these 21 [13.37%] were primiparous, 78 [49.68%]
multiparous and 58 [36.94%] grand multiparous. Mean gestational age was 36.65±1.82 weeks, Mean Weight was
73.06±16.09 kg, mean height was 161.99±9.96 cm and mean BMI was 27.87±6.25 kg/m2.
Conclusion: Thrombocytopenia among pregnant women with 33% prevalence observed.
Key words: Pregnancy associated thrombocytopenia (PAT), Pregnancy, Frequency