The Correlation Between Pregnancy Spacing and The Incidence of Preeclampsia on Pregnant Women
Tenny Tarnoto, Herlin Fitriana Kurniawati
Background: In Indonesia, preeclampsia data is still limited, especially at the national level. The incidence of preeclampsia in Indonesia is between 3-10%, 39.5% of maternal deaths in 2001, and 55.56% in the 2012 Demographic Health Survey data explained the three major causes of death were 28% childbirth, preeclampsia 24%, and the third infection 11%.
Aim: These three diseases could be prevented if the quality of antenatal examinations was carried out by preeclampsia screening on every pregnant woman>20 weeks, with or without predisposing factors.
Methods: This quantitative research used a case-control approach, using data analysis of the Medical Record of PKU MuhammadiyahBantul Hospital in January 2015-December 2017. Data analysis used Chi-Square.
Results: It showed the value of x2 (23,384) significance value(p = 0,000 <0,05) and 95% CI. There was a correlation between pregnancy spacing and preeclampsia incidence on pregnant women at PKU MuhammadiyahBantul Hospital.
Conclusion: Assessment Health Technology can urge pregnant women for antenatal care (Integrated ANC) at least four times during pregnancy. Antenatal care, according to standards, can detect growing symptoms and signs during pregnancy.
Keywords: Pregnancy, Spacing, Preeclampsia