Wulan Wijaya, Ismarwati



Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding without any additional food for six full months. Not all mothers breastfeed exclusively to their babies. This is influenced by various factors, including sociodemographic factors such as occupation, education, parity, and age.

Aim: This study employed scoping review methodology. This study combined current alleged knowledge and information related to factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding.

Method: This study emphasizes sociodemographic factors such as occupation, education, parity, and age, especially the failure to provide exclusive breastfeeding, and identifies as a whole of the total 18 articles found, which are reviewed and summarized narratively.

Results: The findings in this study indicate that factors of occupation, education, parity, and age affect exclusive breastfeeding, especially in working mothers, mothers with low education, mothers with prim parous parity, and mothers with the young generation.

Conclusion: This study is expected to improve results and be used as an input for policymakers, health workers, and service users.

Keywords: Factors, Sociodemographic, Determinants, Influence, Breastfeeding, Exclusive Breastfeeding,

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