The Impact of Sleep on Pain Perception During Administration of Dental Local Anesthesia
Usman Sana, Shakeel Ahmad, Raheem Ramzan Cheema, Amina Sagheer, Amna Mehwish Ikram, Salman Ahmad
Objective: Was to understand and associate the role of sleep with pain perception in patients undergoing inferior alveolar nerve block for dental procedures.
Study Design: Study was quantitative correlational design in nature.
Place and duration of study: Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental section Islam Dental College, Sialkot. Duration of study was two years 2019-2020
Materials & Methods: Three hundred patients were included in the study, which were scheduled for inferior alveolar nerve block for their dental procedure.
Results: The study shows a statistical significance between sleep hours and pain to 0.000. Standard deviation for numeric pain scale and sleep hours according to one-sample T-Test was 0.786 and 0.501, respectively. Out of 155 cases with sleep deprivation presented with mild (76), moderate (44) and severe (35) pain. While the group with good sleep presented with mild (74), moderate (45) and severe (26) pain.
Conclusion: There exists a statistically significant relationship between perception of pain and sleep. In order to improve the quality of dental care professionals should educate their patients on the importance of good sleep hygiene along with dental hygiene.
Key Words: Sleep, pain, local anaesthesia.