Syed Ali Raza, M Asad Munir, Farooq Masoud Wattoo, Mumtaz Hussain, M Usman Khalid, M Hanif Mian

Prevalence of Various Anomalous Structures during Surgery in Resistant Congenital Talipes Equinovarus

Syed Ali Raza, M Asad Munir, Farooq Masoud Wattoo, Mumtaz Hussain, M Usman Khalid, M Hanif Mian



Aim: To determine the prevalence of various anomalous structures during surgery in cases presenting with resistant congenital talipes equinovarus.

Study Design: Case Series.

Place and duration of study: It was a multicentric study conducted at Mayo Hospital, Lahore and The Children`s hospital and the Institute of child health, Lahore reterospectively during 01-07-2018 to 30-06-2020.

Methodology: In this cross sectional study the cases of both genders with age less than 15 years suffering from resistant congenital talipes equinovarus were included via non probability consecutive sampling. Then these cases underwent correction by Posteromedial release and various anomalies were observed and noted.

Results: In this present study 20 cases were included and out of these 14 (70%) were males and 6 (30%) females. Mean age of the subjects was 4.57±3.47 years and mean duration of club foot was 3.01±0.79 years. Out of 20 cases, 16 (80%) cases had bilateral deformity. The most common anomaly detected was Accessory soleus muscle, observed in 6 (30%) of the cases followed by flexor digitorum accessorious longus (FDAL) muscle which was seen in 2 (10%) of the cases. Tarsal coalition were noted in 1 (5%) case.

Conclusion: Accessory soleus muscle is the most common anomaly followed by flexor digitorum accessorius longus in cases with congenital talipes equinovarus.

Keywords: CETV, FDAL, Coalition.

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