Association of Somatic Symptoms with Depressive Disorder
Muhammad Ilyas Jat, Anoop Kumar Juseja, Chooni Lal, Ajay Kumar Nankani, Jawed Akbar Dars, Nadeem Iqbal
Objectives: To determine the association of somatic symptoms with
Depressive disorder.
Study Design:
Descriptive cross sectional study.
Study Setting and Duration: At department of medicine and allied OPD at
Pir Syed Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical sciences, GAMBAT, Sindh,
Pakistan, from 10th August 2019 to 31st January 2020.
Methodology: The sample size of the study was 140. All the patients of
both gender between ages of 18 to 60 years, having depressive disorder as per
ICD-10 (International classification of diseases version-10) criteria as mild,
moderate and severe were enrolled. Somatic symptoms were assessed through
somatic symptoms scale-8. The collected data was analyzed by Statistical
Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0.
Results: Among 140 clients 131 (93.60%) were females
with age range of 22 to 44 years. Among all majority were married, illiterate
and were household by occupation. Amongst all mostly were having severe
depressive disorder 62.9% followed by 34.3% moderate depression and 2.9% mild
depression. The somatic symptoms as per somatic symptoms scale-8 were assessed
in relation to depressive disorder and it was found that all the somatic
symptoms were strongly associated with depressive disorder having p value less
than 0.05.
this study it is to be concluded that somatic symptoms are strongly associated
with depression, consequently putting an adverse impact on over all outcome of
Keywords: Association, Depression, Somatic