Muhammad Ilyas Jat, Anoop Kumar Juseja, Chooni Lal, Ajay Kumar Nankani, Jawed Akbar Dars, Nadeem Iqbal

Association of Somatic Symptoms with Depressive Disorder

Muhammad Ilyas Jat, Anoop Kumar Juseja, Chooni Lal, Ajay Kumar Nankani, Jawed Akbar Dars, Nadeem Iqbal



Objectives: To determine the association of somatic symptoms with Depressive disorder.

Study Design:  Descriptive cross sectional study.

Study Setting and Duration:  At department of medicine and allied OPD at Pir Syed Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical sciences, GAMBAT, Sindh, Pakistan, from 10th August 2019 to 31st January 2020.

Methodology: The sample size of the study was 140. All the patients of both gender between ages of 18 to 60 years, having depressive disorder as per ICD-10 (International classification of diseases version-10) criteria as mild, moderate and severe were enrolled. Somatic symptoms were assessed through somatic symptoms scale-8. The collected data was analyzed by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0.

Results: Among 140 clients 131 (93.60%) were females with age range of 22 to 44 years. Among all majority were married, illiterate and were household by occupation. Amongst all mostly were having severe depressive disorder 62.9% followed by 34.3% moderate depression and 2.9% mild depression. The somatic symptoms as per somatic symptoms scale-8 were assessed in relation to depressive disorder and it was found that all the somatic symptoms were strongly associated with depressive disorder having p value less than 0.05.

Conclusion: From this study it is to be concluded that somatic symptoms are strongly associated with depression, consequently putting an adverse impact on over all outcome of disorder.

Keywords: Association, Depression, Somatic

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