Anum Arif, Minahil Iram, Sabih Nofal, Aima Sohail, Bismah Riaz, Sabeeh Ahmed

Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Medical Students, interns and residents in Pakistan

Anum Arif, Minahil Iram, Sabih Nofal, Aima Sohail, Bismah Riaz, Sabeeh Ahmed



Aim: To assess prevalence of depression, anxiety, stress in medical students, interns and residents in Pakistan

Study design: Cross-sectional Survey (Questionnaire) based study.

Place and duration of study: This study was conducted at Combined Military Hospital Lahore Medical College from March 2020 to May 2020.

Results: 104 participants were included in the study. There was female predominance 58(55.8%), and the mean age was 23.55±1.42. The overall mean score of depression and anxiety was 21.2±12.67 and 15.7±10.67 respectively and most prevalent in third and fourth-year residents. The mean stress score was 13.7, 10. 27. Twenty-eight (26.9%) of the overall participants had extremely severe depression, 36 (34.6 %) had extremely severe anxiety and 13(12.5%) had severe stress.

Conclusion: Multiple factors have been found to contribute to the poor mental health of health care workers, including financial trouble, sleep deprivation, abuse from colleagues, high expectations, female gender, broken relationships, and substance misuse. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress in common in medical students. This calls for the development of strategies, workshops, and programs to identify modifiable stressors, encourage students to reach out to their family members and their teachers to verbalize their issues, and make psychiatric consultation accessible to them.

Keywords: Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Medical, Mental Health Problem Solving, Psychological Distress,

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