Prevalence of Sleep Disorders among general population of Karachi and its associated co-morbidities
Dua Ahmed Ali, Iqra Ahmed Ali, Afreen Muhammad Arif, Sundal Aijaz, Chanchal Maheshwari
Background: Sleep disorders are being more prevalent
among general population. Its poor sleep quality causes depression, accidents,
mortality, and morbidity among general population.
Aim: To
know the prevalence of sleep disorder among general population.
Methods: Data was collected from general population of Karachi in 6
days. Questionnaire for Sleep-Quality Developed by Colin Espie, Professor of
Sleep Medicine, University of Oxford was used to assess the sleep problems and
sleep quality of respondents.
Results: Moreover, 6.2% reported had severe sleeping problems and
need clinical attention. 5.9% had some sleeping problems. 38.2% of respondents
have good sleep while 49.75 had great sleep quality. Majority of respondents
belong to age 20 to 30 age groups, students, undergraduate, female, exercised
once in a week and were vegetarian. Age
20 to 30 age groups, students, undergraduate, female, exercised once in a week
and being vegetarian was associated with sleep problem (P<0.05). 20 to 30
age group, Health sector and inter education level, diabetes, obesity,
difficult breathing, snoring while sleeping and smoking was associated with
sleep problems(P<0.05). Wherever, >30 age group, undergraduate education
level, students, exercising once in a week and eating vegetarian food were
associated with good sleep quality(P<0.05). Poor sleep quality causes
depression, accidents, mortality, and morbidity among general population.
Conclusion: This study will provide the important
information to the higher authorities related to the most vulnerable groups
related to sleep problems and factors associated with good sleep quality.
Keywords: Sleep disorders,
sleep quality, vulnerable groups, comorbidities