Usman Salamat, M.Baqir Ali Khan, Liaqat Ali, Tahir Nazeer, Amna Tahir, Maimoona Zahid, Muhammad Shoaib

Comparison of Tramadol Versus Tramadol and Paracetamol in Postop Pain Management after C-Section

Usman Salamat, M.Baqir Ali Khan, Liaqat Ali, Tahir Nazeer, Amna Tahir, Maimoona Zahid, Muhammad Shoaib



Background: Multimodal technique of pain control is better than unimodal technique in perioperative time. Both tramadol and paracetamol are commonly used for pain control.

Aim: To compare the tramadol alone versus tramadol with paracetamol in pain management after C- section.

Method: 150 patients with ASA class P1&P2 undergoing elective cesarean section under general anesthesia were included in this study and were divided into group A & B by random number table. In both group tramadol 1mg/kg body weight intravenous was given after delivery of baby and in group B intravenous paracetamol 15 mg/kg body weight was given additionally and same doses were given in postop after 8 hours for 24 hs of post-surgery.

Result: Mean age in group A was 31.04±5.35 years and in group B it was 29.64±5.92. Mean pain score in group A was 1.19±0.81 and in group B it was 0.60±0.75. The degree of pain was low in group B and patients were more comfortable as compared to group A patients.

Conclusion: Tramadol plus paracetamol has better pain control as compared to tramadol alone.

Keywords: Tramadol, Paracetamol, Cesarean Section, VAS.

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