Anisya Selvia, Dwi Ernawati



Background: The maternal mortality rate is still very high. This also happens in other countries in the world. This situation causes anxiety for each country. One of the causes of death in pregnant women is maternal knowledge about health information during pregnancy. The use of cellular-based applications is currently the leading choice in finding information, and the same thing also happens in pregnant women. Pregnant women currently use many cellular-based applications to access information about pregnancy.

Aim: To find out how pregnant women use cellular-based applications as a medium of information in pregnancy.

Method: Five review stages are used in this review. The five stages include: identifying research questions, identifying relevant studies, choosing studies, mapping data, compiling, summarizing, and reporting the results.

Result: A total of 23 publications were included. Thematic analysis is used to identify key concepts. We classify these critical concepts into three themes: Health information in pregnancy based on text messages, the benefits of searching for information using cell phones in pregnancy, and the use of technology as an effort to improve maternal and child health.

Keyword: Mobile Health, Antenatal Care, Pregnancy

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