Antibacterial and Mechanical Performance of Nano Selenium Reinforced Acrylic Denture base
Ghasak H Jani, Hasan K Mohialdeen, Osama A.R. Alheeti
Background: Acrylic resins are commonly used for denture fabrication since they exhibit adequate physical, mechanical, and esthetic properties1, Also act as reservoirs for microorganisms.
Aim: To investigate poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) by using different concentration of particles (nano-selenium) composite materials for prosthetic dentures, and study the mechanical properties (transverse, impact and hardness) of these materials.
Methods: At that stage, selenium nanoparticles were impregnated with the monomer of methyl methacrylate at 5%, 10% and 15% by weight. Mixed with powdered acrylic. Antimicrobial movement against staphylococcus aureus tried . One hindered and twenty tests were arranged in add up to to watch its impact on transverse quality , affect quality and hardness
Results: transverse quality , affect quality and hardness values uncovered a measurably noteworthy distinction (p<0.05) among the three concentrations. The comes about shown a lessening within the cruel esteem for 5% ,10% and 15% when compared to control.
Conclusion: Interior the restrictions of this consider, it can be concluded that the extension of SELENIUM nanoparticles caused a reducing in mechanical quality of warm cure acrylic but for 5% , 10% and 15% properties attempted
Keywords: Acrylic resin, selenium nanoparticles, transverse strength, impact strength, hardness