Muhammad Shoaib, Muhammad Qasim Zia, Ansar Latif, Anila Ansar, Ibrahim Liaqat

Diabetes Type 2; Correlation of Magnesium Levels in managing the patients - A cohort study

Muhammad Shoaib, Muhammad Qasim Zia, Ansar Latif, Anila Ansar, Ibrahim Liaqat



Aim: To evaluate and monitor Magnesium levels in the management of patients with Diabetes type 2 at Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College, Sialkot

Study Design: Prospective Study

Place and Duration of Study: Departments of Physiology and Medicine, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College, Sialkot from June 2016 to May June 2020.

Methodology: The diabetic (type 2) were patients included in this study were managed at treated and followed in Department of Physiology and Department of Medicine, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical college. Sialkot. Written consent was taken from the patients before including them in the study conducted. All patients reporting to medical OPD 2000 type-II diabetes during the study duration were included. These patients were divided into three groups according to their HbA1c levels. First group (Group I) included 1100 subjects who had borderline HBA1c (5.7-6.4%) with good control of diabetes on oral hypoglycemic agents, (Group II) 500 subjects had moderately high HBA1c (6.5%-7.4%) and poorly controlled diabetes with oral hypoglycemic agents while (Group III) 400 subjects had very high HBA1c (≥7.5%) levels and very poor control of diabetes and these patients were also admitted in the hospital to control hyperglycemia.

Results: Total 2234 patients were enrolled in this study. 234 lost to follow up and they were excluded from the study. 2000 subjects included in the study. Age range of subjects was 17-89years with mean age of 46±9.7(S.D) years. Male to females (622:1378) ratio was 1:2.21. Total duration of diabetes diagnosis in these patients ranged from 1-15 years with mean age 9±4.5(S.D) years. Total 7883 blood complete picture and 7883 serum magnesium tests were performed. Total 3451 fasting plasma glucose tests and 3900 glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)% tests were carried out. Follow up duration was ranged from 3 months to 15 months with mean duration of 5±3.11(S.D) months. Subjects were divided into three groups according to their fasting glucose and HbA1c levels. Group I (n=1100) had diabetes with good control, Group II (n=500) included diabetics with poor control while Group III (n=400) were uncontrolled diabetics.

Conclusion: Low Magnesium levels have a strong relation in poor glycaemic control in patients with Type 2 Diabetes. The laboratory investigations including Serum Mg levels can guide better in management of such patients.

Keywords: Aging, Endothelium Hypertension, Inflammation, Insulin resistance, Magnesium, Metabolic syndrome

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