Yakup Paktaş



Background: Basketball is the most popular sport in the world, played by many different levels of competition. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two types of 4-week plyometric and resistance training programs on the performance of 19 to 24 year-old female basketball players.

Materials and methods: For this purpose, 30 basketball students, members of university teams in Erzurum province were randomly divided into three groups of 10, including plyometric, strength (with weight) and control. Strength (dynamometer), 60 sprint meter and agility were measured on the first day of the pretest. Then, the two resistance and plyometric groups performed selected resistance and plyometric exercises with basketball for 4 weeks (two sessions per week) and the control group with specialized basketball exercises. At the end of the training period, the same tests were performed in the same way as the pre-test in two days, respectively, and the raw data were one-way analysis of variance, repeated measures analysis of variance, paired t-test and Tukey post hoc test. It was analyzed as follows:

Results: Both plyometric and strength training significantly increased the maximum strength, but specialized basketball exercises (control group) did not have a significant effect on the maximum strength factor. There was a significant increase in sprint and agility in plyometric and control, but no significant increase was seen in the strength group.

Conclusion: Specialized basketball exercises, for the full development of physical capacity can be used in female students.

Key words: speed, power, agility, strength

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