Tahir Kiliç, Ahmet Ali Karaca, Bilgin Karademir, Doğukan Batur Alp Gülşen

Frequency and Causes of Injuries of Female Basketball Players

Tahir Kiliç, Ahmet Ali Karaca, Bilgin Karademir, Doğukan Batur Alp Gülşen



This study has been conducted to investigate the frequency and causes of injuries of athletes playing in Ünilig (Interuniversity Sports League). 90 female athletes participated in the study, and a questionnaire form prepared to examine the frequency and causes of sports injuries was applied. Reliability and applicability of the survey form used in our research was ensured by Öğün and Ocak, 2012. SPSS 18.0 package software was used to evaluate this questionnaire form. As a result of the questionnaires applied, it was observed that 46.7% of the athletes participating in the study have been subject to injury since they started playing basketball. A statistically significant difference was observed between the durations of playing basketball and the number of weekly training sessions held in the preparatory season. In the evaluation of the injury conditions of the athletes according to the activity, a significant statistical difference was observed between the training order, competition order and other out-of-field activities. Disabilities differ significantly when in the lower extremity and generally in the form of sprain. As the durations of playing basketball increased, rates of injury also increased. This difference was found to be statistically significant. Similarly, a statistical difference was observed between the playing durations of those who played basketball in the hall and in the open field. As a result, It has been found that the majority of basketball players were subject to injury and the causes for injury differed significantly between playing duration, playing ground, injury occurrence type and injured areas.

Keywords: Basketball, injury, sports, causes of injury.

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