Ibrahim Ihsan Arikan, Gonul Babayigit Irez, Summani Ekici, Varol Tutal, Ali Agilonu



Background: According to the World Health Organization, well-being in physical, mental and social fields is defined as health. Statistics based on the results of the research show that one out of every five people has encountered criteria that could be diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder at any time in their life. Activity limitations are not only considered as a clinical consequence in the etiology of anxiety disorders, but also as a diagnostic and treatment criterion that has both preventive and therapeutic importance. The effect levels of physical activity on learning, memory and cognitive functions have been proven, which will strengthen and rejuvenate the structure of the brain. Planned physical activities increase muscle strength and flexibility, provide relaxation, effects on the autoimmune system, protect the mobility and musculoskeletal system in elderly individuals, provide weight control, improve the sense of confidence in individuals, improve mood and well-being, alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression, healthy mental body integrity and, most importantly, to reduce social isolation, it contains a set of targets specific to the individual and produces results.

Aim: The main goal is to prevent the impairment of functionality such as loss of energy, insomnia or excessive sleep caused by decreased psychomotor activity in anxiety, unwillingness to fulfill responsibilities, weight changes due to irregular nutrition, and the importance of physical activity, which is known to effectively correct these symptoms with non-clinical treatment processes. draws attention.

Methods: In line with the purpose of the study, 50 female and 36 male volunteers participated in the study. "Happiness Scale", "Corona Virus Anxiety Scale", "International Physical Activity Scale" were used as data collection tools. Data were analyzed by Spearman Correlation Test and Mann Whitney U Tests. In the analyzes, the significance level was determined as p <0.05.

Results: In this study, based on the evidence, the results of regular physical activity, which eliminate the negative effects of inactive living in the general population of individuals, overlap with the well-being and health of the physical, mental, health and immune systems, and increase the effects on the level of happiness. In line with these findings, it can be stated that regular physical activity in life is associated with anxiety, happiness, coronavirus and psychological well-being.

Conclusion: Our study also contributes to the literature by determining that the decrease in happiness level is due to a number of factors by increasing the level of emotional well-being and anxiety of the epidemic process, which is becoming widespread. Specifically, individuals over the age of 40 can avoid this aspect of the epidemic with the least harm, in other words, physical activity and home-based exercises that can increase the sense of struggle and control can mitigate the harmful effects of the epidemic on happiness.

Keywords: Anxiety, Coronavırus, Happıness, Physical Activity

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