Usama Ibrar, Hafiz Naeem Ali, Munir Ahmed



Objective: Nocardia species is comprised of strict aerobic bacilli which forms the branched hyphae in culture and tissues. Nocardia infection is not well-known but its importance cannot be underestimated due to the mortality and morbidity inorgan transplant cases and immunocompromised cases. As Nocardia species is varying in the various regions, this research is targeted on the study an isolate Nocardia bacteria from immune-compromised cases which were referred to the specialists.

Material and Methods:The research was carried out in Mayo Hospital Lahorewith 142 participants observed with advancedsymptomatic pulmonary disease. Total sample 102 cases were assessed for sputum and Broncho alveolar lavage. In the remaining cases the collection of samples was not possible because of the accessibility issue. We prepared three thin smears to observed the samples through microscopic. Culturing of the samples was made in paraffin agar and sabouraud dextrose agar. To analyze the data, we also documented history of the patients through questionnaire. Asteroids of the Nocardiawere isolated from one case who was suffering from the syndrome of Cushing having bronchogenic carcinoma. Further in-vitro studies for isolate differentiation were carried out in order to confirm the growth of organism on primary media which was Nocardia steroids complex.

Conclusion: It is revealed through NaOH normal concentration 4%, which has been used for the Mycobacteria species identification, can stop the Nocardia growth. Therefore, collected samples were processed through decontamination procedure to isolate Nocardiawith the help of NaOH (1%).

Keywords: Pulmonary Nocardiosis, Cushing’s Syndrome, Nocardia Asteroids Complex and Immunocompromised Host

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