Faryal Akhtar, Farhana Haider, Nazir Ahmed


Objective: To compare the mean pain score with rectal diclofenac versus placebo in females undergoing vaginal delivery at term
Methodology: After approval from hospital ethical committee, 60 females fulfilling selection criteria were enrolled in the study from labor room. After taking informed consent their demographic profile i.e. name, age, gestational age, parity and BMI were noted. Then females underwent delivery by researcher herself. After delivery, all females were randomly divided in two groups by using lottery method. In group A, two 100mgdiclofenac was placed rectally after delivery. In group B, two 100mg placebo was placed rectally after delivery. Then females were shifted in post-delivery ward and followed-up there for 24 hours. After 24 hours, females were asked for presence of pain and VAS was used to assess the pain score.
Results: Comparison of mean pain score with Rectal Diclofenac versus Placebo in females undergoing vaginal delivery at term shows 2.47+0.51 in Group-A and 3.07+0.64 in Group-B, p value was 0.0002.
Conclusion: Mean pain score is significantly lower in rectal diclofenac group as compared to those without it.
Keywords: Term vaginal deliveries, rectal diclofenac, pain

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