Uzair Abbas, Bushra Imdad, Sehrish Mohsin, Ramlah Naz, Amir Ahmed Ansari

Impact of Biosafety Measures in Health Care Facilities on Transmission of NCOVID-19 in Healthcare Workers

Uzair Abbas, Bushra Imdad, Sehrish Mohsin, Ramlah Naz, Amir Ahmed Ansari


Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and routine practices of biosafety and waste disposal measures in healthcare facilities and its impact on transmission of COVID-19 in healthcare workers.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study:Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan 1st April 2020 to 30thJune 2020.
Methodology:Four hundred research participants were enrolled from tertiary care hospitals across the capital cities of all provinces of Pakistan. The survey was composed of 25 questions that were formulated in accordance with the information specified by WHO for NCOVID-19 and biosafety measures.
Results:74% of health care workers had proper knowledge about NCOVID-19 whereas, only 32.62% of health care workers had proper biosafety measures in their health care facilities and 42.81% of healthcare facilities were with proper waste disposal measures.
Conclusion:Healthcare workers have sufficient basic awareness about current pandemic whereas, they have inadequate practice of biosafety and waste disposal measures which is alarming situation. The higher authorities should take initiatives on priority basis to improve the practice of biosafety and hospital waste management among the healthcare workers, so that the drastic situations can be avoided in Pakistan.
Keywords: Pandemic, COVID-19, Biosafety, Waste management, Healthcare workers

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